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国家移民管理部门包括什么单位呢英文(国家移民管理局归属哪个部门管 🌼 理)

本文章由注册用户 郭沫雅 上传提供

发布:2025-03-28 评论 纠错/删除

1、国家移民管理部门包括什么单位呢英文 🪴

National Immigration Administration Units

The National Immigration Administration (NIA) in China is responsible for overseeing all immigration matters within the country. It consists of several key units, each with specific roles and responsibilities.

1. Immigration Inspection Units

Responsible for border control and immigration inspection at designated ports of entry and exit

Ensure that individuals entering or leaving China meet the necessary requirements and comply with immigration laws

2. Border Control Units

Monitor and enforce border security along China's land, sea, and air frontiers

Prevent illegal entry and exit of individuals, and combat human trafficking and smuggling

3. Visa Application and Issuance Units

Process visa applications from foreign nationals seeking to visit or reside in China

Grant appropriate visas based on established criteria and regulations

4. Deportation and Repatriation Units

Take enforcement actions against individuals who have violated immigration laws or overstayed their permitted period of stay

Repatriate illegal immigrants and facilitate their return to their home countries

5. Document Verification and Fraud Prevention Units

Examine and verify immigration documents to ensure authenticity and prevent fraud

Detect and investigate cases of document forgery and other illegal activities related to immigration

6. Immigration Enforcement Units

Enforce immigration laws and regulations within China's borders

Apprehend and detain individuals who have violated immigration laws or pose a threat to public safety

7. Immigration Policy Research and Development Units

Conduct research and analysis on immigration trends and policies

Develop and propose immigration policies to meet the changing needs of the country

8. International Cooperation Units

Facilitate cooperation with other countries on immigration matters

Implement bilateral and multilateral agreements related to immigration control and law enforcement

2、国家移民管理局归属哪个部门 🐈 管理

国家移民管理局的归 💐 属部门

1. 沿 💮 革简介 🦈

🐼 家移民管理局是中华人民共和国负责移民事务的国家机关,于2018年3月28日正式 🦊 挂牌成立。

2. 职责 🐟 🍀

国家 🌹 移民管 🐧 理局主要职责包括:

- 管理出入境人员、边境口岸和外国 🦢 人在华 🐈 🦆 留;

- 实施边 🐧 境检 🌲 查和执法;

- 打击 🕊 非法出入境 🕊 和跨国违法犯罪;

- 开展移 🌷 民服 🐳 务和管理。

3. 隶属关 🐎 🌷

国家移民管理局直属公安部领导公安部。是。中华人民共和国国务院负责国 🐠 家公共安全工作的部门

4. 联 🐼 系方 🐧

国家移民 🦍 管理局地址:北京市朝阳区建国门外大街 🦈 2号

🐯 🌲 网站 🐶

3、国家移民管理 🦅 局归属哪里管理

国家移民管 🌷 理局 🕊 的隶属 🌸

1. 移民 🍁 管理职责

国家移民管理局负责中国公民出入境管理 🐺 、外国、人入出境、和居 🕷 留管理边境管理国籍管理等工作 🦍 ,是、维、护国家安全保障国家主权促进国家发展的重要职能部门。

2. 隶属 🕷 🌷

根据《中华人民共和国机构编制法》及相关规定国,家移民管理局隶属 🐺 于中华人民共和国公安部公安部。是国务院主管国内治安、户、籍管理、出、入、境管理、反。恐维 🦈 稳消防管理交通管理禁毒管理等工作的职能部门

3. 职 🌲 🐵 分工 🐅

公安部在移民管理工作 🪴 中主要负 🐳 责:

🐡 定和 🕊 执行国家移民管 🦍 理法律法规

监督和指导国 🐒 家移民管理局工 🦊

统筹协调重大移民管理 🐱 行动

处理跨区域跨、国 🌵 境移民管理事 🦄 🐝

国家移民管理局在公安部 🐟 的领导下,负,责具体实施国家移民管理法律法 🦆 规履行出入境管理、边境管理国、籍管理等职责。



