新西兰投 🐎 资移民费用
随着新西兰成为越来越受欢迎的移民目的地,了解投资移民的潜在 🦟 成本至关重要。以下是新西兰投资移民所需的费用清单:
1. 申 🌾 请 🐼 费 🐎
申请第一步:2,800新 🐈 西兰元
申 🌿 请第二步:1,200新 🌷 西兰元
2. 资 🕸 产证 💐 明 🐘
投资至少 🐎 1000 万新西 🐎 兰元到新 🐕 西兰企业或基金
3. 投 🌼 资基金管 🌸 理费
投资基金管理费因投资 🦢 项目而异
4. 律 🕸 师 🦄 费 🐼
聘请移民律师办理 🦁 投资移民申请的费用约为 10,000 至 15,000 新西兰元
5. 医疗和 🐝 警察证 🦋 明
医 🐒 疗检查:约 200 至 500 新 🐒 西兰 🌵 元
警察 🌲 证明:约 100 至 200 新西兰元 🌷
6. 翻 🐼 译 🐵 费
翻译文件到英语的费用,取决于 🐳 文件数量和复杂 🌳 程度
7. 其 🌲 他 🐒 费用
生 🦅 物识别信 🐞 息费:120 新 🦈 西兰元
签证申 🐯 请费:150 新西兰元
体检费:因 🕊 体检机构而 🐘 异 🐈
注 🐈 意 🦍 :
费用可能会根据汇率和个别 🐒 情 🦍 况而有 🌾 所不同。建。议在申请前咨询移民律师或移民顾问以获取准确的费用估算
How Much Does It Cost to Invest in New Zealand through Investment Immigration?
Investing in New Zealand through the investment immigration program offers a pathway to residency and potential citizenship. However, this opportunity comes with significant financial requirements. This article explores the various costs associated with investing in New Zealand and provides a comprehensive estimate of the total investment.
1. Investment Amount
The primary requirement of the investment immigration program is to invest a substantial amount of capital in New Zealand. The minimum investment amount varies depending on the investment option chosen and the applicant's circumstances. The three main options are:
Tier 1 Investment Visa: Requires an investment of NZ$3 million.
Tier 2 Investor Visa: Requires an investment of NZ$1.5 million and is available to applicants who meet certain criteria, such as having significant business experience.
Active Investor Plus Visa: Requires an investment of NZ$500,000 and is available to applicants who actively manage and control a New Zealand business.
2. Government Fees
In addition to the investment amount, applicants are also responsible for paying various government fees associated with the application process. These fees cover administration costs, such as:
Application fee: NZ$6,500
Immigration levy: NZ$2,500 per applicant
Visa approval fee: NZ$1,200 per applicant
3. Professional Fees
Applicants are typically advised to seek professional assistance from immigration lawyers or migration agents. These professionals can provide guidance throughout the application process and ensure that all requirements are met. Professional fees vary depending on the complexity of the case and the experience of the professional.
4. Other Costs
Apart from the investment amount, government fees, and professional fees, there are other expenses that applicants may incur during the investment immigration process. These costs include:
Due diligence costs: Fees paid to independent auditors to verify the applicant's financial status.
Translation costs: Fees incurred for translating documents into English.
Health and character screening: Costs associated with medical examinations and police checks.
Relocation costs: Expenses related to moving to New Zealand, such as shipping, transportation, and housing.
Total Investment
The total investment required for investing in New Zealand through the investment immigration program varies significantly depending on the investment option chosen and the applicant's circumstances. A conservative estimate of the total cost, including the investment amount, government fees, professional fees, and other expenses, ranges from NZ$1 million to NZ$4.5 million.
Investing in New Zealand through the investment immigration program provides a pathway to residency and potential citizenship. However, it is important to be aware of the substantial financial requirements involved. Applicants should carefully consider their financial situation and consult with professionals to ensure that they have the resources necessary to proceed with the application process.
投资 🐶 移民新 🐅 西兰条 🐬 件 2023
投资移民新西兰计划为符合 🦢 资格的个人及其家属提供获得新西兰居留权的途径。该计划旨在吸引具有商业经验和财富的投资者 🦋 为新西兰经,济。做出贡 🍁 献
资格 🐵 条 🪴 件 🌻
1. 年 🐠 龄: 18 岁或 🐒 以上
2. 商业经验: 过去 5 年中有至 🐱 少年 3 的商业管理经验 🌲
3. 净资产: 至少拥有 300 万新西兰元 🍀 (约合万 220 美元)的净资产
4. 可投资资金: 在新西兰进行合格投资至少 300 万新西兰 🐯 元
5. 健康和品格 🦢 : 满足健康和品格 🐎 要求 🌿
6. 英语水平: 达到 🌻 国际英语语言测试系统(雅思 ☘ ) 4.5 分的英语水平
投资 🐟 要 🦁 求 🌻
投资者可以选择以下 🐦 合格投资选 🌳 项之一:
1. 商 🐱 业投资:至少投资 150 万新西兰元于一家新西兰企业,并创造新就业机会 🦟
2. 住宅房地产 🦈 投资:至少投资 150 万新西兰 🦅 元于新西兰的住宅房地产,出租至少 3 年
3. 投资基金:至少投资 200 万 🐎 新西兰元于政府批准的投资基金
申请流 🦟 程 🐺
1. 提交意向书 🌺 向 (EOI): 新西兰移民局提交EOI,表达投资意向
2. 获得队列邀请: EOI 经过审 🌹 查并获得批准后,投资者将收到队 🐠 列邀请
3. 申请签证: 提交签证申请,包括支持 🌷 文 🐶 件证明资 🐛 格条件
4. 获批居留权: 签证获批后,投 🐋 资者及其家属将获得新西兰 🦁 居 🐳 留权
其 🐧 他 💮 注意事项
投资者必须在 🌿 4 年内 🦁 投资并维持投资要求。
新西兰政 🌿 府保留随时修改投资移民计划资格条件的 🦄 权利。
建议在申请之前咨询合格的移民顾问,以获得个性化的建 🐳 议 💐 。