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大陆去香港定居需要办移民么吗(大陆居民去香港还 🐎 需要办港澳通行证吗)

本文章由注册用户 王羿琛 上传提供

发布:2025-03-15 评论 纠错/删除

1、大 🌲 陆去香港定居需要办移民么吗

🌵 陆去香港定居需要办移民吗

1. 户籍和居留政 🐦 🌼

大陆户 🐺 籍居 🐵 🐛

大陆户籍居民在香港定居需符合香港 🐕 入境处制定的香港入境《条例》和香港居《留》权条例中的相关规定。通常情况下需,要通,过特定的途径取得香港居留权包括以下几种:

① 投资 💮 🐝 🦅

② 专 🌷 🐎 移民 🐠

③ 配偶/子 🌵 女移民

④ 优才入境 🦄 计划

非大 🐵 陆户籍居 🐎 民:

非大陆户籍居民同样需要符合香港入境处制定的相关规 🐝 定才 🐳 能在香港定居。通常情况下需要通,过以下途径取得香港 🐋 居留权:

① 投 🐒 资移民

② 专 🌻 才移民 🐝

③ 优才 🌿 入境 🦢 计划

2. 办理流 🕷

具体 🍀 办理 🐼 流程因不同的移民途径而有所差异。通常包括以 🪴 下几个步骤:

① 申请香港 🐱 居留权 🐛

② 提交相关 🦋 证明文件

③ 接受面试 🐕 或审核

④ 获得 🌴 香港居留权批 🐳

3. 注意事项 🦆

在申请香港居 🐴 留权之前,需要详细了解相关政策和要求。

准备齐全的证明文 🌴 件,包括身份证明、财、力证明学历证 🐝 明等。

如有必要,可以寻求专业移民咨询机构的帮 🐛 助。

获得 🐞 香港居留权后,需要按时续签或入籍香 🐅 港。

2、大陆居 🦊 民去香 🐳 港还需要办港澳通行证吗

mainland Residents Require Hong Kong Passes for Entry?


With the easing of travel restrictions following the COVID-19 pandemic, many mainland residents are eager to visit Hong Kong. One of the common questions that arise is whether they still need to obtain a Hong Kong Pass for entry.

1. Hong Kong Pass Requirements for Mainland Residents:

In general, mainland residents are required to obtain a Hong Kong Pass prior to their entry into Hong Kong. The type of pass they need depends on the purpose and duration of their stay.

2. Types of Hong Kong Passes for Mainland Residents:

There are two main types of Hong Kong Passes available for mainland residents:

- Individual Visit Permit (IVP): This pass is typically issued for short-term visits, such as tourism, business trips, or family visits.

- Two-way Permit: This pass is issued for eligible mainland residents who have been granted permanent resident status in Hong Kong. It allows for multiple entries and is valid for an extended period.

3. Application Process for Hong Kong Passes:

Mainland residents can apply for a Hong Kong Pass through one of the following channels:

- Online: Applications can be made through the Hong Kong Immigration Department website.

- In person: Applications can be submitted at the Immigration Tower in Shenzhen or at designated exit ports.

- Travel agencies: Some travel agencies offer assistance with the application process.

4. Exemptions from Hong Kong Pass Requirements:

There are a few exceptions where mainland residents may not need a Hong Kong Pass for entry:

- Children under 16: Children under the age of 16 who are accompanied by a passport-holding parent or guardian do not require a pass.

- Transit passengers: Passengers who are in transit through Hong Kong for less than 24 hours do not require a pass.

- Emergency situations: Individuals who need to enter Hong Kong for emergency reasons, such as medical treatment or family emergencies, may be granted a visa-free entry for a limited period.


Yes, mainland residents generally need to obtain a Hong Kong Pass for entry into Hong Kong. The type of pass they need will depend on the purpose and duration of their stay. The application process can be completed online, in person, or through travel agencies. However, there are certain exceptions where mainland residents may not require a pass, such as children under 16, transit passengers, and individuals in emergency situations.

3、大陆去香港定 🐶 🐱 需要办移民么吗知乎

大陆 🌵 去香 🌼 🦋 定居需要办移民吗?知乎

1. 香港与 🐠 大陆的特殊关 🌹

香港是中国的特别行政区,享有高度自治权。大,陆。和香港之间有着独特的政治和经 🌵 济联系但并非完全一体

2. 香港移民政 🕷 💮

香港对移民实施的是配额制,每年向非香港居民开放一定数量的移民名额。大,陆居民。想要移民香 🦄 港需要符合相关 🌹 申请条件并经过筛选

3. 移民 🕸 🌼 请条 🍁

对于大陆 🐦 🦆 民来说 🦅 ,移民香港主要有以下几种途径:

一般就业政 🌲 策:拥有香港雇主的雇 🐋 佣合约,年薪达到一定水平。

输入内地人才计划:持有香 🌾 港大学学位或拥 🐬 有特殊技 🌷 能和经验。

家庭团 🐯 聚:与香港 🐵 居民有密切家庭关系,如配偶、子女等。

4. 移 🕊 民申 🐋 请流 🐝

移民香港的流程一般包括 🐞 以下步骤:

符合申请 🌸 🐵 🦄

🐱 香港入境事务处提交申请。

提交相 🐋 关材料证明。

🦋 待审核 🐳 和决定 🦟

🍁 得移民资格 🌴

5. 注意要点 🐟

移民香港 🕷 竞争激 🐼 烈,需要耐心 🌺 等待审核。

满足移 🐛 民条件只是申请资格,不保证 🌼 一定 🐬 能成功。

移民香港后,需要遵 🐅 守香港 🦍 的法律和规定 💮

建议咨询专业移民机构,了解最新政策 🐶 和申 🐟 请技巧。



