美国移 🐧 民的几 🐛 种途径
移民美国是许多人梦寐以求的目标,其中涉及多种可能性。本文将介绍美 🐘 国移民的四种 🌻 主要途径 🕸 :
1. 家庭移 🐳 民
适用于与美国公民或绿卡持有者有亲 ☘ 属关系的人员 🐎
优先类别 🐬 包 🐺 括配偶、子、女、父母兄 🌲 弟姐妹
配额限制和等 🐞 待时间因关系类别而异 🐎
2. 职业 🌵 移民
适 🦄 用 🦟 于拥有特殊技 🍁 能或资格的人员
途 🐱 径包 🌸 括:
职业移民 🦄 签证:针对雇主担保的工人
特殊技能签证:针 🐞 对特定职业领域的高技 🐶 能工人
国家利益豁免:针对符 🐦 合美国国家利益的工人
3. 投资移 🐡 民
适用 🪴 于通过投资创 🦅 造就业或刺激经济的人 🦟 员
途径包 🐵 括 🌷 :
EB-5 投资移民投资 🐕 :至少 🐋 100 万美元
EB-3 职 🦅 业移民签证:与 EB-5 投资相关的工 🕊 人 🌴
4. 人 🐴 道主义救济
适用于遭受迫害或 🍀 在原籍国受到威胁的人员
途径 🌼 包括:
难民庇护:针 🐡 对来自 🌳 迫 🌸 害国家的个人
庇护 🐼 身份:针对遭受迫害或有理由担心迫害的人员
美 🐦 国移民的几种 🕷 途径
在美国寻求移民机会有几种主 🐕 要途径。
1. 家 🦊 庭 🕸 团聚 🐬
婚姻配偶或未婚子女: 美国公民或永久居民可以通过申请绿卡为其配偶或未婚未 🐟 成年子女移民。
父母/兄弟姐妹: 美国公民可以为其父母或年满 21 岁的未婚兄弟 🐘 姐妹申请绿卡,但需要长时间的等待 ☘ 时间。
2. 工 🌼 作 🐘 签 🦆 证
H-1B 签证: 授予具 🐱 有专业知识或技能的专业人员,在特定雇主处工 🌷 作。
L-1 签证: 授 🦢 予在母国具有经理或执行官职位,并被调职到美国子公司的员工。
EB-2 和 🌹 EB-3 签证 🌺 : 授予在特定领域具有特殊 🐟 技能或学位的技术人员或专业人员。
3. 投 🍀 资移民 🍀
EB-5 签证 🍀 : 授予投资 90 万美元或 💐 万 🐺 美元 180 于美国商业并创造 10 个就业机会的外国投资者。
4. 难民与庇护 ☘
难民: 授予因种族、宗、教、国籍政治见解或某特定社会群体成员而遭 🦅 受迫害的个体。
庇护: 授 🌻 予在美国 🦈 境内或抵达时因 🦅 上述原因遭受迫害的个体。
5. 多元化 🐟 签证 🐴 计划 🌴
DV 抽签: 每年发放 5 万份绿 🐼 卡给来自低移民率国家 🌺 的合格个体。
6. 其 🌹 他特殊途径
职业移 🐵 民签证: 授予宗 💐 教工作者、特殊能力人士和特 🌹 殊移民青年。
绿卡抽奖: 每年抽 🐞 取 10 万份 🌲 绿卡 🐬 给符合资格的个体。
避 🌳 难 🌳 所城市: 一些城市提供 🦈 保护措施,使无证移民免受驱逐出境。
How to Immigrate to the United States
Immigrating to the United States is a complex and multi-faceted process. There are a variety of ways to immigrate to the US, each with its own set of requirements and procedures. The most common methods of immigration include:
1. Family-Based Immigration
Family-based immigration allows US citizens and permanent residents to sponsor certain family members for green cards.
Eligible family members include spouses, children, parents, and siblings.
The sponsor must meet certain income and other requirements.
2. Employment-Based Immigration
Employment-based immigration allows employers to sponsor foreign workers for green cards.
There are several different categories of employment-based immigration, each with its own requirements.
The most common categories are:
Skilled workers (EB-3)
Professionals (EB-2)
Executives and managers (EB-1)
3. Diversity Visa Program
The Diversity Visa Program (DV Lottery) is a lottery that grants green cards to individuals from countries with low rates of immigration to the US.
The program is administered by the State Department and is open to eligible individuals worldwide.
The DV Lottery is typically held once a year.
4. Humanitarian Programs
Humanitarian programs allow certain individuals who are fleeing persecution or other hardships to immigrate to the US.
The most common humanitarian programs are:
Refugee status
Temporary Protected Status (TPS)
5. Investment-Based Immigration
Investment-based immigration allows foreign investors to immigrate to the US by investing in a business or enterprise.
The most common investment-based immigration program is the EB-5 program.
The EB-5 program requires investors to invest $800,000 in a qualified business and create at least 10 jobs.
6. Other Pathways
There are a number of other pathways to immigration, including:
Marriage to a US citizen
Birth in the US
Military service
Religious worker status
The process of immigrating to the United States can be complex and time-consuming. It is important to seek the advice of an experienced immigration attorney who can guide you through the process and help you choose the best option for your individual circumstances.